Wondering WHY NOBODY CARES ABOUT ME? Check this ULTIMATE GUIDE you will ever need to deal with it. #15 was an eye opener for me.
MEGAGUIDE – Why Nobody Cares About Me Or My Feelings And What To Do About It?
Why does it I feel like nobody cares about me anymore
Why does no one care about me?
Why doesn’t anyone care about me?
What do you do when you realize nobody truly cares about you?
Why do I have no friends? Why no one wants me in their life?
What the point in living if no one loves you?
I feel like no one loves me
I have no one to talk to about my feelings
I care for everyone but nobody cares about me
Who cares about me? Why no one likes me? Why nobody loves me?
And so on…
Have you ever gone through such thoughts?
Have you ever asked such questions to yourself or others?

I’m sure, you must have, at least once.
You must have tried to find the top signs no one cares about you.
So, what to do when you feel that no one loves you or you think nobody cares about me or my feelings?
What to do when you get into such cycle of overthinking?
Do you know what overthinking can do to a person?
It’s time to introspect and contemplate.
Helpline Numbers If Not Feeling Good About Yourself
Global Helpline Directory
Helpline In United States
- The Lifeline and 988 – Lifeline phone number (1-800-273-8255) | Chat with them | Talk To Someone
Helpline In India
- iCall – 9152987821 https://icallhelpline.org/
Helplines in All Other Countries
Books To Read When Nobody Cares About You
- The Subtle Art Of Not Giving A F*ck, By Mark Manson – Get on Amazon India – Get on Amazon Global
- The Self Confidence Workbook: A Guide to Overcoming Self-Doubt and Improving Self-Esteem – Get on Amazon India – Get on Amazon Global
- Healing Your Emotional Self: A Powerful Program to Help You Raise Your Self-Esteem, Quiet Your Inner Critic, and Overcome Your Shame – Beverly Engel – Get on Amazon India – Get on Amazon Global
- You Can Heal Your Life – Louise Hay – Get on Amazon India – Get on Amazon Global
- The Magic of Thinking Big – David J. Schwartz – Get on Amazon India – Get on Amazon Global
- Mindsight: Change Your Brain and Your Life – Daniel J. Siegel – Get on Amazon India – Get on Amazon Global
What To Do If Nobody Cares About You?
We are social animals and we do need someone around us to make us feel special or at the least good about ourselves. Those people can be our family, friends, colleagues and sometimes strangers too.
But often, we find ourselves in a situation, when we don’t have anyone to look up to for help or someone who can listen to our feelings. Whenever we realise that there is no one who cares about me, my feeling or how I feel, then it is a time to do a reality check and introspect.
There are two ways to handle such situation,
either we can blame it on someone, like my parents don’t care about my feeling, my wife won’t listen to me, my husband doesn’t give attention to me, my friends keep on ignoring me, and so on.
Or you become ready to get your hands dirty and get the shit clean, by being honest to yourself. And in this journey, you might find that either you have been doing something wrong all this while or genuinely the other person doesn’t deserve you.
If you think the latter is true, then please don’t take life too seriously, just move on, show some self compassion and try to be with people who listen to you genuinely.
But if you want to check if you are doing something wrong and want to correct it, then go on to read this article.
Friends, what I am going to talk about now, might sound rude or harsh. If it hurts you, I am really sorry for that. But believe me, it’s the truth of life. And the sooner you realize it, you’ll be more comfortable with yourself and eventually with your life.
Once you read it, you might disagree or be angry with me. I have gone through such phase myself, faced it and overcame suicidal tendencies during 2016. So, you can be sure whatever I am talking comes from my own personal experience. You have all rights to disagree with me and share your views in the comments section.
When you got through such phase in life, you might try to motivate yourself with inspirational and motivational quotes for some time or might search for why nobody cares about me quotes, but ultimately it boils down to the point of acknowledging the truth and improving yourself.
I personally believe when someone is going through such rough patch in life, they need utmost care, compassion and support. If you know someone, who is going through similar situation, please help them out.
And if you are the one suffering through all this, trying to find an answer, then before you read this article, please listen to me. I have all the love and care for you. I pray that you come out of this phase stronger than ever. I send lots of blessings your way.
To be honest, life is hard. That’s why it is always great to have someone on your side with whom you can share your feelings during such difficult times. If you have someone like this, even one person. Be grateful and cherish it. This may be your parents, siblings, close friends or anyone whom you can trust, please express to them and seek help. If required, please take professional help too.
If you want to look at the situation from a different perspective, want to introspect and contemplate with an open heart and mind, only then read this article.
You might be doing one or more than one of the following things.
1. Every body is trying to get their shit together
You need to understand that everybody on this earth is trying to get their shit together. And obviously, nobody wants to add your shit to theirs.
It might seem normal to think why nobody care about me. But let me tell you that everybody is going through his/her own struggles and challenges in life, you are not going through something unique.
If you think you have suffered and struggled enough…
If you think your struggle is bigger than others…
If you think life has been unfair to you…
You believe that you deserve sympathy for that…
And you wonder “Why no one wants me in their life?”
Think of it in this way, if every one on this planet starts to expect there should be people around me who care about me. Then imagine there will be no one left, who will think of caring about others. World will be filled with just selfish people, expecting others to care for them.
Remember, everyone is struggling in one way or the other and you cannot compare whose struggle is bigger.
If you genuinely seek someone’s compassion, then have self compassion and self love first. Instead of wondering why nobody cares about me, start to care about yourself. And then start caring for others without expectations.
If you’ll show compassion for others, the universe is going to create a positive energy for you. Then you will start finding people who care about your struggles too and help you out. And you’ll no longer feel that “nobody cares about me”.
2. DO You think you are too ‘Special’?
You might think that you have certain privileges and others must give attention to you. But the truth is, nobody on this planet owes you anything which can force them to listen to you.
Some people frequently post “no one cares about me quotes” or “quotes about being hurt by someone close to you” on Facebook or Instagram.
People might pretend by liking or commenting but they won’t give a damn about what you think or feel.
Accept the reality, you or I am not the president or a celebrity. We might think we are too important and people should give due importance to us.
But in reality, nobody cares about me or you.
Instead of seeking special privileges, try to make others feel special. And you’ll no longer have a complaint of “I have no friends who can listen to me or no one loves me or why nobody cares about me”.
3. are YOU an “I know it all” guy?
Believe me, if you think that you know everything, the first thing people will do is to start ignoring you.
This infuses arrogance and makes you ignorant. It stops your learning.
People will stop sharing knowledge and their views with you, because they might feel unsecured around you.
“The dumbest people I know are those who know it all” ~ Malcolm Forbes
Show the curiosity to learn something new and appreciate when someone shares their knowledge with you. No matter how much successful one is, he or she always need a teacher or mentor to learn more and go to the next level in life.
And stop giving to much heed to why no one cares about you.
4. ARE You a good listener?
If you are the person who always has his/her tall tale to tell instead of listening to others, people will get bored of you.
And then you keep saying “I have no one to talk to about my feelings”.
It is a basic human nature to crave for someone who can listen to them. I you want others to listen to you, start listening to others as well.
I am not saying that you have to be a listener all the time.
The easiest way to make someone feel important is to listen to them.
And if you don’t listen to people at all, you are disrespecting them, you are insulting them, you are making them feel less important.
Dale Carnegie shares in his book “How to Win Friends and Influence People”, how listening is a very important tool. I too have experimented this thing in my personal life. And I must say, it has helped me a lot in building rapport with people and establish my authority with them.
It might sound strange that how can you raise your own respect by listening more and speaking less. But it’s true.
The moment you understand this, it will be very easy for you to win hearts and you will no longer need to complain that nobody listens to me or cares about me.
5. DO You always FEEL LIKE a ‘Victim’?
You always keep complaining about people and situations like a nagger. For whatever goes wrong in your life, you have someone or something to blame.
You always show yourself as a victim of destiny and keep on asking, “Why me?”
By doing so, you become a prisoner of your own limitations.
You start to emanate negative energy which repels people around you and you feel lonely. That exponentially increases your negative energy.
Tony Robbins says, “Life is not happening to you, it’s happening for you.” and explains in his best selling book Awaken the Giant Within
Whatever happens in your life is not something being done to you, it is a process of shaping you as a person, a greater human being. It’s your life in the making.
Stop comparing your life with others. Take a lead, take charge of your life and shape the way you want it rather than constantly nagging about it.
You don’t need to beg for attention from others. Eventually in life, you will understand that nobody actually cares about you.
6. DO You KEEP Poking OTHERS?
Someone pokes you and you shout. You are always reacting to people and situations without using your brain.
You give your remote control to others. You let others control your state of mind and you dance to their tune. Don’t let anybody drive you crazy or go gaga. Keep the control with you.
This is a very bad situation because you don’t even realize that you are suffering from this problem.
So, people around you see you as one unstable person, an active volcano which might erupt any time. And that’s the reason people don’t want to listen to you.
Just take a pause, step back, think and respond, not just react.
Instead of letting your energies driven by other people and situations, put effort to drive yourself the way you want.
7. ARE You the ‘Problem Guy’?
You always focus more on the problem rather than the solution to that problem. Instead of thinking about the solution, you first try to find the culprit whom you can blame for the problem.
You keep telling that “this should not have happened” rather than helping out others “how it could have been prevented or how it can be resolved now”.
When you cling on to the problem for long, people tend to avoid you. But when you try to find solutions to the problems or become part of the solution, people start loving you.
Become the ‘Solution Guy’.
Help people in finding solutions. By doing so, you will start attracting people like a magnet.
8. DO You always try to avoid pain?
Do you always try to avoid pain or struggle in life?
Is seeking pleasure the main motive for you, behind doing things?
If yes, then people around you might perceive you as someone who is mean.
In life, if you are in pursuit of something meaningful, then you will never try to avoid pain or seek pleasure. You will always try to seek meaning and understand how you can add value to yours as well as the life of others.
Running away from pain means that you will never go that extra mile to do something better neither for yourself nor for someone else. That’s the reason almost everyone avoids such people.
Become someone who enjoys pain and struggle. Learn from it and grow through them to become a better version. People will not only love you, but it will also be the best thing you can do for yourself.
9. DO Your emotions drive you Crazy?
When you give too much attention to your emotions, you become highly unreliable and lose trust factor.
Having emotions is good but letting them control you every single time is neither good for you nor for the people around you.
Anyone can behave sensibly in a good mood or when they are happy but it takes a lot of effort to conduct in a proper way when you don’t feel well. And that’s a real test.
People who get overpowered by their emotions every now and then are rarely taken seriously by anybody.
Learn to use emotions to your benefit rather letting them control you.
If you find yourself hit by strong emotions like sadness, anger, depression, hurt, rage, frustration, avoid making important decisions or having discussions with people at that time.
Delay it, take time, try to stabilize yourself and then decide.
10. DO You try to change others?
Do you think that every problem in your life will get solved if people around you change themselves in a certain way?
If yes, then you are on your way to irritate people around you and making them least interested in you.
Remember one thing, you can neither change people nor control how they behave completely.
Do not try to change people.
If you really want someone to behave in a certain way, create a positive environment in which that person can behave appropriately.
But remember the fact, that you can just influence someone up to an extent but can’t change them. So, don’t waste your energy. Otherwise, they will look at you as their enemy.
11. DO You judge too quickly and label people?
Are you the person who quickly makes a judgment about people?
Do you keep distributing character certificates to each and every person you meet?
It happens because, in general, you just believe what you see.
If you do so, people will feel insecure to be around you or speak to you.
Nobody wants to be judged or be under constant surveillance. And gradually people will start to keep a distance from you.
Judging people by their behavior is human nature but wise people don’t make it a habit to comment about someone’s character or personality.
Try to go beyond your perception. Judge less, witness more. Understand this, that nobody is perfect and everyone is trying to do their best.
If you want to appreciate do it asap but if you want to criticize someone, think twice and if it’s necessary, then share it in person.
12. DO You prefer receiving than giving?
Do you always expect to receive favors, support, appreciation and so on from others? And you believe it’s your privilege?
On the other hand, you feel reluctant to reciprocate the same to others, then you are creating a very toxic environment not just for you but for others around you.
Every interaction in this world is a transaction irrespective of relationship.
If you are always taking but not giving, nobody would want to listen to or be with you.
Before you ask for a favor or expect anything from others, think about what you have given or you can give. If nothing, at least try to give some respect and love.
13. DO You run away from your own crap?
You accept it or not, but you know what is your weakness and where you need to work to become better.
But looking at the hard work, sometimes you tend to ignore that or you are scared to face it and deal with it.
And when you do it consistently, people around you feel it.
They will stop giving you constructive feedbacks because they will understand that it is of no use.
Gradually, they’ll stop listening to your problems or stop taking you seriously. Because they know that you are not going to take any actions, so what is the use of wasting their energy on providing the solution.
Get comfortable with your own crap.
Your own negatives and weaknesses. Instead of avoiding or ignoring them, face them and improve yourself with time.
14. DO You always seek certainty and are a control freak?
It is human nature that we want to plan everything and want to be certain about it to make your life comfortable.
But what’s the point of living if you know what’s going to happen next?
Do you like a predictable movie or the one that has uncertainties, suspense, twists, and turns?
Obviously, the latter one. Right?
Then, why do you want to control every single situation in your life?
If you behave like a control freak, even your loved ones will get irritated with you.
Accept and acknowledge the fact that you can plan but you may or may not be able to control what happens in your life. However, you can always control how you respond and how you maintain your mental state.
So, become comfortable with uncertainties in life.
If things go your way, be grateful. If not, analyze learn from it and move ahead graceful.
15. DO You think you are ‘Immortal’?
You might love to plan your life or behave in a way that you are going to live forever but that’s not the case.
Remember, you are mortal and you’ll be gone anytime.
This might be intimidating but that’s the ultimate truth of life.
When you forget that you tend to start thinking about just yourself and your needs. You hold grudges and keep complaining. You get carried away with your emotions or circumstances.
And gradually, you become mean to people and lose the essence of a true relationship with them.
Remember, this life is very fragile and we don’t know when we are gone forever. This human body comes with an expiry date too.
Therefore, whatever life You and I are left with, must be spent to make it meaningful and joyful. Find your passion and add value to people’s life.
Try to look at the bigger picture of your life
16. DO You always label things as Right or Wrong?
If you think that for someone to be right, others have to be wrong, then you need to understand that there could be two right things and both can be different.
There is not always only one truth. There can be more than one versions of the truth.
Remember, everyone is perceiving one thing or the other and they have their own version of the truth. And if you always consider your version as the correct truth and ignore others, people will stop showing interest in what you say.
Understand different versions, different perceptions, and perspectives before reaching any conclusion. Consider them to decide what’s best for most of the people.
17. DO You ENJOY insultING people AROUND YOU?
When you interact with people, you feel great to pull their leg, pass a witty comment, make fun of them or talk them down. Is it so?
During your college life, you must have enjoyed such things with your friends. Once in a while, it might be fine when you are with your close friends.
But making it a habit and always trying to win every argument or point by insulting others, is a very foolish thing to do. It makes them feel bad and insulted.
Imagine yourself in such a situation where you are treated this way. Will you feel good? Nobody wants to be treated this way.
Remember, everybody is fighting their own battles, if you’ll show some love and compassion, they’ll feel good. And if they’ll feel good, they’ll listen to what you say and will take it seriously.
18. DO You speak ill about others BEHIND THEIR BACK?
In your office, during a tea break, you might love to gossip about a colleague and do character assassination. You might enjoy criticizing or talk ill about them behind their back.
But ask to your inner conscience, is it something right to do?
If you think someone is not doing something right, go and tell them rather than talking ill about them with others.
It not only creates negative energy in your work environment but also shows you as a person.
Such a situation can happen anywhere, in your college, with friends or even in your family.
Don’t speak ill about anyone behind their back. It does no good to anyone. So, refrain from doing it.
If something is wrong, have the courage to go and talk to that person or just keep it to yourself.
19. DO YOU FEEL Alone OR Lonely?
if you find that you have taken care of all the above points and still you are alone, then let me share something with you. In this world, most of the people will come to you only when they need something from you. That’s a harsh truth. Due to this, you might feel all alone.
You need to understand that being alone and feel lonely are two completely different things. People often mistake being alone as being lonely. Being alone is absolutely fine. In fact, it gives you ample time to understand yourself better and become comfortable with your own true self.
But being lonely is not ok. It is when you start feeling incomplete with your own self and seek someone to either validate your feelings or approve that you are awesome.
I know you are genuine and really awesome. So, please believe in yourself. Be friends with the one sitting inside you.
If you are alone. Take this as an amazing opportunity. Practice meditation, go on solo trips, read good books and autobiographies of great people, learn some new skill. Think of impacting lives of other people in different ways and leave a legacy behind you.
It is an illusion that people are with us. In reality, we are all alone in our own worlds.
Talking about my own experience, I too don’t have many people to share what I feel because either they don’t understand or I don’t trust them. That’s fine.
But does that make me alone? Yes.
But does that make me lonely? Absolutely Not!
I have befriended my own self and am very much comfortable with my feelings. I love to create things which can impact people in a positive way through my Book, Blog and YouTube channel.
You too can explore different ways to be comfortable with your own self and do something to spread love, care and compassion.
Don’t forget, you are awesome, bigger than your challenges and you will emerge as stronger than ever.
Wooh! Long list? 🙂
These are based on my personal experience with people. Although you should not care too much what others think about you, you cannot ignore it completely because you have to operate with people. You cannot operate in isolation.
How you make others feel about them, they will do the same with you. If you really want others to care about what you think and feel, try to touch their lives in whatever way you can.
Stop forcing people to understand you and your feelings, rather focus on becoming more self-aware. Be a witness to the life and experience it like you experience different tastes of food.
Always remember, that true freedom is not about doing whatever you want to do, it is about not getting affected by whatever happens to you. Take control of how you feel.
Expand your life, not by how much you have but how much you give. Look at the bigger picture of life.
Spread love and compassion because you don’t know the person you are talking is going through what kind of struggle in their life.
Share this article with the ones you truly care about and let me know which reason stands out for you, in the comment section.
Check out my YouTube Channel for Videos on Personal Transformation and Wellness in Hindi: Inspiring Keshav
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Your all content is unique from other sites. Thank you for sharing your all experience with us.
Glad to read your article.
Hope you are enjoying the day
Thanks Vijay. I’m glad that you liked it. Yes, I’m enjoying my day. Hope you too are enjoying 🙂
Take care!
According to your list, I am doing everything “right” but I still have no one. The only people who include me in their lives do so when they need something from me, whether money, time, support, whatever. Once they get whatever it is they need from me, they ignore me. The closest thing I have to friends to spend time with is a couple people who every now and then will let me tag along as long as I stay in the background and do exactly what they want. I am never picky about what we do, where we go, who is there, anything. There are things that I would prefer, yes, but no one cares what I want so Ive learned to keep that to myself. If I express anything I want, like “hey, can we go to this restaurant for lunch?” or, “Can we do this activity today?” I either get ignored or they get mad that I expressed an opinion other than theirs. And then they won’t spend time with me anymore. This is not a situation where I just need new friends at this point in life. This has been every person I have had in my life, including my family. How I feel or what I want has never mattered to anyone. All I do is give. I’m completely drained and just want someone to give to me. I don’t want money or stuff, just time and care. I don’t complain about it or ask for it from people because I want people to spend time with me because they like me, not because they feel sorry for me. I’ve always dealt with pain on my own because I know nobody likes a person as unhappy as me. So I keep it to myself. The few people I have thought cared enough for me that I could be somewhat honest with (I’ve never been completely honest with just how alone and empty I am because it would overwhelm anyone) have ignored me as soon as they realized they would have to put forth some effort too. So I’m just honest enough with people to seem like a normal person who has good days and bad days but is generally happy. And if I had just a couple friends that cared about me, I would be that person exactly. But no one sees me as worth any effort…..so I guess I’m just saying, your list isn’t complete, because if it was, I would have people who care about me and want to spend time with me because they genuinely like me, but I don’t. I don’t know what would make it complete, but it’s missing something. Or the alternative is, there are some people that just have no significance and never will no matter what they do. I hope the first is the correct one. But what I have seen in life leans me towards believing the later. If I were to vanish tomorrow, the only living creature that would be impacted emotionally at all would be my dog. I do believe she would miss me.
Hi Dear,
I understand your situation and got your point. First of all, thank you so much for taking time and expressing your views. I know it takes a lot of effort express oneself fully. I’ll update this article as per your feedback.
Coming to your query. Most of the people in this world are like this only. People will come to you when they need something from you and that’s a harsh truth. I have been through same situation. But what I have learnt from such phase is that there is difference between being alone and feel lonely.
Being alone is absolutely fine but feeling lonely is not. What I mean by this?
If I know about myself in a better way and I am fine with spending time with myself happily then I might be alone but I won’t feel lonely. After such phases, I started exploring about my interests and skills. I started making myself better in those areas. In fact, being alone gives me a lot of time which I can spend with myself. Looking at it from spiritual perspective, it is an amazing opportunity to understand about the basic meaning of life and existence. Not to be sad about it. Rather exploring how life is expressing itself in various forms on this planet.
Practicing meditation, writing journal, reading good books, autobiographies of great people and thinking about how we can create an impact in our won life and in this world too. Thinking about how we can leave a legacy behind us.
Always remember, you are awesome. Because you are the only one like you. No one can ever replace you and that’s the beauty.
I’d love to listen from you.
God bless you! Cheers!
At times most genuine and honest people like you face such difficulty and I can completely feel the pain that you feel completely abandoned by your family and even worse case when by your own parents. This is nothing to do with you as a person. We all exists on earth by sheer love and compassion from God.. please feel that unconditional love. You could never ever get than from any other human. Please love yourself and then everything fall in place.
Loads of love and blessings to you!
At times most genuine and honest people like you face such difficulty and I can completely feel the pain that you feel completely abandoned by your family and even worse case when by your own parents. This is nothing to do with you as a person. We all exists on earth by sheer love and compassion from God.. please feel that unconditional love. You could never ever get than from any other human. Please love yourself and then everything fall in place.
Loads of love and blessings to you!
I’m with you lonely, I personally think this list is not aimed at us and is misleading in its title. Yes, if your operating from a narrative that your the centre of the universe then, yes, it is applicable. If you are subject to ongoing emotional neglect because others are too busy Or if your authentic self doesn’t fit the society you are in then this list is not for you I’m with you. The only thing that will be emotionally impacted will be my dog.
This is major bs. If experiencing major loneliness as I am – blaming all on my past ? Noooo not in the least. Have family who are a big cause of my loneliness sadness.
Took me a long time to figure out I’m better off alone. Yeah I hear you; you do everything for everyone else and they don’t care. Well guess what? You’re better off without them…. Their “problems” are exactly that, theirs, not yours. Stop wasting your time and energy on people who don’t give a shit; do something for yourself. Guess what? If someone doesn’t like you it’s not your problem, it’s THEIR problem! Why should you care what someone thinks if they don’t give a shit about you? The best thing you can do and the best present you can ever give yourself is to not give a shit yourself.
Please note; I didn’t say not give a shit ABOUT yourself, just don’t give a shit that nobody else does. It’s THEIR problem, not yours!!! Don’t take on responsibility for other people’s problems or flaws; there’s nothing you can do about that! Don’t cast your pearls before swine; do something for someone worthy; YOU!!!
I hate to say this but you have to beat the world at its own game and not give a shit too. Otherwise you’ll be jousting every windmill you come across.
Why do something for people who don’t deserve or appreciate it?! Why waste your time with people like that?!
You are the only person that can make you happy, nobody else can, trust me. You’ll just drive yourself nuts and end up with endless disappointment if you put your happiness in other people’s hands.
The harsh truth is; people suck! Yes, the are selfish heartless bastards and only seem to care about people who don’t care. Let the mindless masses worship their own selfishness and do something for yourself cause Lord knows…..nobody else will.
Give a shit less about others and more about yourself. I REALLY hate to say that but it’s the only way to survive.
Stop expecting people to be human. Tables don’t turn into chairs and things either work or they don’t. Stop investing effort in relationships that don’t work.
“You can lead a horse to water but you’ll never be able to convince him he’s really a jackass…“
-Me 2018
Screw those people; blow them out of your life like a turd out your ass because they are truly shit! (Seriously though, they are; why waste your time).
Sure, give people a chance but feel free and be ready to flush at any time. There’s a lot to be said for being a “Soup Nazi”.
Someone wants to be a selfish assole?
“NO soup for you……NEXT!!!”
(Ps, that isn’t my real name or email address 😉 )
Thank you!
Thank You Bob
I almost forgot; not only do they not care about you, they don’t care about each other….
Now I know what you’re saying and you think they do but they actually don’t. Under the right circumstances they’ll abandon each other. I’ve seen it happen and these people were close for almost 50 years. The irony of this is I had just recent thought that, “If ________had a problem, there would be some type of intersection” only for that to actually happen and everyone ran away from this guy. The thing is, he REALLY needed help and these were the people most likely to help him. It was at that point I realized it wasn’t anything personal with me. Sure, they were closer to him than me but they still abandoned him when he needed them most. Don’t worry about these selfish people; blow them out of your life!
Listen, even people that truest love you are selfish fuckers, so don’t worry about it. Their selfishness is not your problem .
You are not alone. I feel the same as you.
You riting vary sucks . pls tAke englizh lessons . You need that .
Thanks. Sure, I will.
You are a sociopath
hey, I will be your buddy, and listen to you. Try me out
So this means that the people that are loved are perfect and are not under any item of this list. Got it.
Hi Maria, thanks for stopping by and reading.
Nobody is perfect. But the people who are loved, at least they are perfect through the eyes of people who love them. Purpose of the article is not to criticize but to understand how we can be better by identifying what we are doing wrong. I have gone through the same journey myself when I used to think the same way. But working on myself has made things better.
Whoa wait a minute. Our families siblings play a huge part in how we feel as we grow up.
My 3 sisters could care less – we all have master’s degrees yet I am not married. Am treated as a no-one . Have no children was married didn’t work out. Treated as a less than person.
God this feels like total victim-blaming. People who think this way need support, not another reason to think it’s their fault. It’s true that people need to work on themselves, but they also need help from others especially when they can no longer handle it.
Hi, it would have been great if you had mentioned your name. But I really appreciate sharing your honest view.
I agree that people need support. But the sooner someone takes the responsibility, the better it becomes. I have been there, done that.
Purpose of the article is not to criticize but to understand how we can be better by identifying what we are doing wrong. I have gone through the same journey myself when I used to think the same way. I too was seeking help, but honestly, nobody helps except your own self. And when you realise this bitter truth and take the ownership, things start to become better.
I guess that could be true to a point. I come from a group of people that shit on me and everyone else. They alienated me from everyone. I mean people can only do so much “improvement”. People will always find reasons to shit on you from my experience.
I agree Jane. Sometimes we come across such people. I wish for your well being and a happy life.
So do you mean we have to work on ourselves and then again go to ppl to entertain them and make them feel special just to be accepted or loved by them who ruined us before and traumatized us just bc we are social animals and we cannot process in isolation? Ppl need to understand that not everyone of them is very intoxicating and healed or mental or behaviorally healthy as person they are creating problems too this list feels more like victim blaming im not saying this from no place of insecurities but what I’ve seen they make you feel like things are wrong w/ you and make you feel like an outsider just because they are insecure.
Hi Zara, I totally understand how people behave at times. But more than that, it is important to understand how we look at ourselves. We need to stop seeking approval from others and be happy with how we are. And from that space, we have to become better every single day, bit by bit.
I agree with you. People who do any of these things have underlying issues and deserve care and support. Not to be hit with this insensitive article. How ironic. It tells you to be giving to others and compassionate towards them, when the person who created this is being very critical and judgemental of people who feel this way. People who do any of these things are obviously hurt and need help, not this. This has made me so angry.
I can understand you anger. My language might be crude, harsh or critical. I am really sorry for that.
I agree with you that such people need external support and compassion. I have gone through such phase, myself, faced it and overcame suicidal tendencies.
What I learnt through all this is that one has to become strong and make personal efforts to overcome it. If you get some sort of support, that’s awesome. But one has to make personal efforts to come out of it. We may agree to disagree.
Appreciate your honest feedback. Thanks for taking time to stop by. Cheers!
How is this helpful to any one severely depressed zero support from family friends? Friends try to redirect conversation- not good friends they don’t want to be involved.
What is your advice now with severely depressed no one to turn to ? Do tell
The man is just trying to help people
Totally agree with you. This guy speaks in absolutes and doesn’t seem to have any idea about psychology, magnetic attraction between cluster B personalities or how your thoughts can affect your situation.
He talks about molding yourself so others will love you, yet he can’t even proof read before publishing something.
Also talking about self-awareness when he can’t even accept criticism. Lol.
Thanks Chuck for your honest feedback!
People who are loved aren’t necessarily perfect in the eyes of people who love them. Rather they are accepted and loved despite their flaws.
15 sucked
I am really inspired along with your writing talents and also
with the format on your blog. Is this a paid topic or did you modify it yourself?
Anyway keep up the excellent high quality writing, it is uncommon to see a great weblog like this one
Thanks Loren. No, this is not a paid topic. It is what I have gone through personally.
Burn in Hell Keshav! Many people are out there with severe mental and physical illness, much of which is incurable! Are these people responsible somehow for their plight? One day you may end up in their place, so don’t blame people for their problems. Who are you to judge?
I can understand your anger. My way of talking might be crude and harsh. I am sorry for that.
I agree such people may need external support during that phase. I myself has gone through it, faced it and overcame suicidal tendencies.
What I learnt through all this is that one has to become strong and make personal efforts to overcome it. We may agree to disagree.
Appreciate your honest feedback. Thanks for taking time to stop by. Cheers!
What I don’t get is, when You’re sorry for Your harsh language, why do You write like this in the first place?
When you apply any antiseptic lotion on a wound, it feels harsh but it helps to cure it.
You are sure right about the pain and misery some people are going thru. I need to grow in compassion and am working on it for sure. As for Mr. Keshav, he sincerely wants to help everyone the best he can
You’ve made some decent points there. I looked on the internet for more info about the issue and found most people will go along with your views on this site.|
Thanks Keshav for this. Everything is making sense to me now. But sometimes, the fault comes from the other side , not us. Some people never gon’ appreciate you no matter what you do.
Right Jojo. We’ll have to be our on appreciator and do the best we can.
Thanks for everything, bro. I’ve learned a lot from this beautiful write-up.
I heard a phrase many years ago that stuck with me. “If I am not part of the problem, there is no solution.” We do have to take a hard look at how we’re contributing to the issue, even if it is recognizing we could need treatment for a mental health condition or recognizing we are unrealistic about our expectations of others. That’s what has led me to find your article.
I have been feeling like my husband’s family doesn’t care about me after asking them to do something small for them to – just write an email to a new email account I created so that I can keep all of them up to date on my husband’s health. Saves me from having to recreate an address book (makes it easier on me) and makes sure I have the email address they want me to use. I always help his family when they call me with questions, so I thought I was making a reasonable request. Turns out I was wrong. I was asking for too much effort on their part.
So I have to agree with the bulk of your article. I can see myself at different times in different scenarios of what you describe. In this case, I wanted people to act a certain way (#14) and they did not, which resulted in nasty posts on FB that accessed my (#6) emotional over-reactivity.
People in general don’t truly, deeply care they way we want them to, and that’s the key. I have to accept the depth of caring they have for me, whether deep or shallow, and focus on the things I enjoy doing and the people I feel true connection with (not many), and learn to be ok with that. Thank you for writing that the answer isn’t easy and it isn’t just be more positive.
Thank you so much Jennifer for sharing your heart out. It means a lot.
Hey there! This post could not be written any better! Reading this post reminds me of my previous room mate!
He always kept chatting about this. I will forward this write-up to him.
Fairly certain he will have a good read. Many thanks
for sharing!
Thank you
I see some contradictions in your article. I see some points but sometimes fitting in is not worth it. People will always fond something wrong with you or some flaws.
Thanks Jane for sharing views. Yes, we don’t need to fit in always. First, we need to be comfortable and kind with ourselves.
Best view i have ever seen !
Are you qualified and trained in mental health?
I haven’t taken done any Professional course yet. Whatever I have learnt till now is based on my own personal experience.
yeah i get people may have undesirable traits but none of what you said makes sense? you literally are telling people that if they have NORMAL problems and EMOTIONS that it makes sense they are unloved and feel unloved? You should not be posting things like this unless you are a professional, which you stated you are not. Remove this post. You dont deserve to post things on the internet. i would slap you if I could
Thanks for sharing your views
why delete it
you don’t like it don’t read it
but others might find it helpful
you seem to be the type to want a funny joke that many enjoy to not be told due to you not liking it
Right here is the right blog for anyone who would like to
understand this topic. You know so much its almost tough to argue
with you (not that I personally would want to…HaHa).
You definitely put a fresh spin on a topic which has been discussed for many years.
Great stuff, just great!
I like this article.
It is a hard cold fact of life, people!
The problem is, sometimes it takes a while before someone is ready to see their flaws. They will see themselves as the victim or the one that is mistreated until they realize that if they stopped looking for someone to care, and started caring about themselves, the feeling would pass, and before they know it they may actually be enjoying themselves.
But then, sometimes we just don’t feel good. We are icky inside, headache, sore, tired, and overwhelmed with no home, have to move out of current space, wishing for a positive upbeat day to get things done, and — nope. This is the way we wake up. We simply can’t bring it to the table, we are exhausted. Emotionally, physically, spiritually, and mentally.
All I wanted today was to actually feel good within myself. Because I didn’t, I found myself becoming more needy of others to reach out to me. When I couldn’t seem to get any response, I fell farther into my self pity. Which is where I was when I found your article.
The reality, people, is this. If you don’t like what this man has to say, then stop reading it, and go the hell away. If you don’t like that he isn’t a professional, mind your own business, and go away. The internet isn’t solely for professional people, stop commenting just to be rude! It takes a lot to put your information out there. It takes a lot of courage to have an opinion that others don’t share. If you don’t share his opinion, go the hell away and shut up. Find the answers you want to hear elsewhere!!! But don’t demean the man because you don’t agree! Shame on all of you that would rather insult a person than to just click another article. He is a blogger. He has a right to his opinion, and to be honest, he is right. RIGHT!!
It takes maturity to learn the hard facts of life.
Hey Paula, thank you so much for supporting me. You are right in saying this is the real life which people often seem to ignore.
We all have fancy ideals about life where we imagine people to be always nice to us and care about our feelings. Most of the people keep on seeking approval from others. But when the reality hits hard, they are not ready to take it. But that’s the crude reality of life. I really appreciate for sharing your views and understanding my viewpoint. And don’t worry about what others are saying. I really don’t care. If my writings are helping even one person to understand the reality and I am happy 🙂
I regularly feel like no one cares about me. I think one thing that needs mentioning is those of us in the spectrum can try really hard to make friends but don’t have the ‘body language’ tools that neurotypicals seem to have who seem to breeze through this stuff.
Hey, don’t worry about others. Just be comfortable with yourself first and acknowledge the fact that you are awesome. Make efforts to become better day after day.
thanks a lot for making feel even worse about myself and also fill me with even more anxiety than I had before because now i think everybody thinks of me in the ways that you listed
I am sorry if this made you feel like that. In this article, I just tried to share different perspectives. But the most important thing is to look at ourselves with respect and love. There is no need to seek approval from others. Accept the way we are and strive to become better gradually.
This is why I hate a guy that I don’t even know. The second I saw the first sentence, I knew I would hate him. “I’m sorry for hurting you guys! It’s ‘tough love’”! Bullsh!t.
No one is perfect. I tend to be quiet. I do have thoughts, but I don’t believe others find value in my opinions. When I have told a small story in the past, others will correct every tiny detail “no it was very cloudy”. I give up, at that point. I won’t argue about being right. People seem to come and go without notice. I have never had a birthday event, or invitation. When family goes for an outing, they just leave. I asked they leave a note or at least locked the door behind them. They say I’m home, so what’s the point.
I only exist if their computer or device isn’t working.
I don’t know why these people are my family. They are so loud. They listen to “music” which is akin to banshees dying. They dress like they are homeless. One was arrested for public drunkenness. They make comments about how I don’t like anything. I’m just not interested in being reckless. What is wrong with book clubs, murder mystery dinners, art, history, science, the god debate, and falling asleep under the stars?
I’m going to work on judging less.
Please start caring less about others and more about how you feel. Be the best friend for yourself.
Hi, First of all, thanks for putting this article. I liked your intention to bail people of their situations and appreciate you for that. But really sorry to say none of the points are valid. I am always giving, make people special, never complain,never brag, care for others,never be judgemental, never do I feel special enough. I was never able to make friends by having all the good virtues It’s so coincidental that all the points you mentioned are so relevant to me but in the opposite way. It’s not easy to understand life. If at all this, article helped someone, I ll be more than happy. For at least it works and your effort serves the purpose. Once again, I am sorry. As I said, I really appreciate you for coming up with this article.
Thanks Narendra for sharing your views
All Your words Near of Reality.
Go to hell.
I have two words for you, “You matter!” What you do, say and want matter. Since you say this has been going on your whole life, may I suggest joining a church. You will definitely find support there. Or consider talking to a PhD. Talking to a professional can give you a whole new perspective and you won’t feel judged, as you may feel with friends or family. I wish you the best
Your POS article comes across as condescending and judgmental. You remind me of those selfish cocksuckers that hide their unwillingness to spare time/help, under such excuses.
Because he IS!!! Luckily a lot of people on here see him as such! He deserves to burn in hell. What a cunt.
Awesome! Its in fact amazing post, I have got much clear idea on the topic of from
this piece of writing.
I always spent my half an hour to read this blog’s posts all the time along with
a mug of coffee.
People like you and this uncaring “Your the problem” I dont care your bothering me attitude, “I know best “are the very people that others struggling for understanding are seeking advice about.How ironic.
I appreciated this article and i think Keshav is trying to help people in the way he honestly believes is best. There’s no point in sugar-coating your opinions, when you’re direct it enables people to genuinely encounter the information and think about what they believe and why.
In my view, the problem with this article is it blends true things together in a way that reads as if lonelier people are less perfect. The truth is, being an outsider doesn’t mean you need more improvement than somebody well-adjusted and satisfied. The feeling of being unloved shouldn’t be contributed to personal failing. When you can’t conform to what society expects of you, it can bring isolation. You could be a psycho and that’s why nobody talks to you, alternatively, you could be gay and that’s why nobody talks to you. It completely depends.
I have struggled with a lot of personal problems like everyone and can attest that no love is more important than our own. I recently found myself in a position of being loved and cherished by many but feeling love starved inside. That is because no matter how much love you are receiving from others, it can’t replace your own. So a lot of people have a well of loneliness and pain that is bottomless and they will always find faults with themselves and with the love others try to give them. You can’t fully open your heart to people if you don’t let yourself feel your own unconditional love. It is also difficult for people to stay in your life if you don’t let them in because you hate yourself.
So i think that the answer lies in your own heart, but not the blame for your issues. There is no use in morality anyway, just follow your heart. The answer to feeling unloved is starting with your own love, not self improvement. Naturally, this will improve your relationship with other genuine people. There are tons of shallow people that don’t care about you if you don’t play their game. Those aren’t who you want as friends anyway.
I also think that in the self help genre, emotions are made out to be an enemy, when in reality, i think we live to feel and experience, and it’s about the depth of experience, not the stability or the control. I don’t like when people say you should own your day and your life. You can’t put a grid on life and control isn’t happiness. I think it intimidates a lot of people when they hear they should be their best selves, and always work towards self improvement. People should just try to be themselves. That’s hard enough. There are always more ways you can theoretically be superior, but when you focus on that you lose the essence of yourself that makes you unique. Everything you need is inside of you, and trying to be perfect is a waste of energy. You’re never going to be perfect, and it would be boring if you could. What’s the point of controlling what you feel? If you’re honest about what you feel than you can engage with it, learn from it, gain from it. When you suppress your emotions you lose touch with yourself and you don’t know what you want or who you are.
If you are feeling alone and like nobody loves you, let me tell you something. I honestly believe that life is a beautiful thing to be loved unconditionally. And you are part of life, and should start with yourself. When you let that love fill your heart everything will look different and you will just want to share it. And it is infinite. To be honest and care about other life is to be lonely sometimes and to feel a lot of pain. And that’s okay. I used to insulate myself from everyone, trying to be as indifferent as possible because i couldn’t face the idea of rejection. I never extended a hand in friendship to anyone, because that was showing i cared and to care is to potentially get hurt. I didn’t appreciate myself then, and lived on pride. Now i realize you don’t have to be indifferent; you can let people affect you, let the world in, go through all the emotions that are part of life and make stories and songs interesting. You can be rejected and feel hurt without it changing how you view yourself. Being yourself and loving that person gives you the strength to face all those challenges.
Person reading this, you deserve love. Everyone deserves love( and it only makes people kinder) Whatever anybody says, you deserve love. And if people are mistreating you, that does not mean you aren’t good enough. You are worth it. Whoever you are, i believe in you. I really, truly believe in you. The world is full of zombies, and connecting with people on a deep level is rarer than it should be. But it is possible, i promise. And you don’t have to be lonely, even when you are alone. There is infinite love in the universe. Just follow your heart. If everyone followed their heart right now the world would transform instantly.
Awesome. Thanks for sharing your heart out. More power to you, Delerium!
Thankyou for your words
Author of this blog should be broken on the wheel. Professionals say mental health is just as physical so it should go in both way. Inducing mental health is not so easy, psychosis can be tricky and killing his family and friends is not so easy way to give him depression. So, good old breaking on the wheel, breaking every large bone into pieces. And while he is still alive, some burning with napalm can help, but not too much. And then he should be left to die slowly, very slowly, it would be probably few days but if he get “lucky”, he may have problem of broken bones for whole week or even more.
And of course, he will not let this comment or he will delete it. But trust me, broken motivational speaker a day keeps bad feelings away.
I surely need to work on myself . Probably I did every single thing from the list you wrote and the weird thing is it took only one situation in life to realize how weak mentally I am to handle a betrayal .
In general I used to have a very naive view of the world, holding my heart on my sleeve, have faith in people etc . I guess I had really good childhood years and in general most of my life I had Really good people around me! What a blessing right ???
Unfortunately a betrayal Coming in the total wrong time broke me mentally. It’s been nine months trying to understand why this happened to me …. Nothing can help me , no quotes can help me , I can’t forgive , let go , stop remember, and I have tired the friend that tried to help me. I let the pain poison my soul and become a bad angry person, I became that tiring drama queen no one would like if they met… I hate the way I have become.
I can’t deal with betrayal, and lack of justice. I got shocked by a person and that changed all my insight towards people and me . I reacted really bad to a really bad betrayal …. Lost my cool. Losing my “cool” and reacting bad made me lose a lot of my right . It’s a no win situation when others don’t give a shit , and don’t feel any guilt what so ever .
The only way to solve my problem is to work on myself because the others have no problem at all be the assholes they are and still go on with their life feeling no guilt what so ever or care.
Was it bad I had such a dreamy idea of life before …? Accepting that humans are rotten is a very big change for me to see the world . I don’t know if I’m ready to accept this in total because the way I live will be much more cosious towards humans …
Them that don’t care if they killed a person…. Does this mean they have worked more on their self …..? Do I need to become like them ?
Anyway hope I find some peace one day but I surely need to get over lot of myself and simplify things .
Please don’t think too much. Just try to move on and appreciate even the little positive things in your life. Believe me, no one from outside is going to help. You will have to become your own best friend. Forgive yourself and love yourself. Blessings!!
Your pretentiousness is positively nauseating.
Ah yes. The famous “it’s the victim’s fault” argument. Classic. Of course humanity’s norms are good and should never be questioned. Forgot how individualistic, unempathetic, and self-centered people are nowadays. “Don’t bother me with your pain”. Lol yeah, ok. Sorry again for existing. And that only reinforces the issue. Never-ending cycle.
I appreciate the intent of trying to help though, but I honestly think the flea causing this feeling of not caring is actually people’s lack of empathy, not the ones who feel unloved themselves. Fact is… Actually, most people don’t care about others as long as they can’t benefit from them and as long as they don’t fit their toxic positivity standards. THIS in my opinion is the real issue.
Your opinion is in line with my experience. The mental health industry is always trying to “help” people by convincing them that being unhappy in a cruel society is your fault.
These Websites exist to help know-it-alls sell their wares; there’s no wisdom here, only a potential revenue stream.
I just don’t understand. People say they care but they don’t . They talk bad about me behind my back and end up hurting me. I try my hardest for people and no one cares to see it.
Stop seeking approval from others. Start loving yourself and keep working on yourself to become better.
Generally I would say people just suck. They don’t care Bc they are selfish. I have always felt like I was different from most people. Like I love deeply and end up getting screwed over. I used to be a people person. Now I’m not. I have a couple of good friends. Those are “my people”, otherwise I will just hang with my dogs. If people were more like dogs, this world would be a much better place.
That’s great Cindi. If you have someone, whom you can trust, nothing better than that. Blessings!
Thanks for one’s marvelous posting! I truly enjoyed reading it, you
may be a great author.I will make sure to bookmark your blog and will come back in the
future. I want to encourage you to continue your great
work, have a nice weekend!
Thanks Romaine
Terrific work! This is the kind of info that are meant to be shared around the net.
well that was disgusting.
I should be thankful that I am not someone that has the characteristics on this, and that things are obvious to me. It’s a nice general reference, however it is flawed.
#8 This item places arbitrarily places a value on a response as “good,” and then supposed as generalized reaction. The problem here is that people NATURALLY avoid pain. That is EXACTLY why pain exists: to teach you not to do something because it is completely or mostly intrinsicially harmful. Also, people won’t necessarilly regard you as “mean.” Reactions will vary.
#11 People are NATRUALLY judging machines. You HAVE to be. You CANNOT consider the utility of every sensory input against some mental list. You couldn’t walk a block if you did this. You have to automatically make millions of decisions about the flood of sensory input every moment. I won’t get into the finer details of just walking down the street and having to judge every piece of data flooding your senses, and so i’ll use a broader, easy to understand, Macro situation. You see a tiger intent on eating you as most animals are intent on some form of feeding. You need to be immediately judgemental and avoid the tiger. You don’t have the time, nor should you have the inclination, to consider if you should try to make friends with the tiger, try to eat the tiger raw, build a shelter on the spot, gaze at your naval, mate with the tiger, jump up and down, sing a song, or the millions of potential responses plausible of fantastic. Your existence depends upon you running away, avoiding, or successfully conquering the tiger. Humans exist to procreate because enough ancensors judged tigers as dangerously in a split second formualted a reasonable, winning strategy. They JUDGED the tiger and situation. This successful behavior naturally is part of our instinct and impacts every decision.
#16 Society exists because values are placed on concepts and objects. It is perfectly reasonable that in the myriad of complex situatons that a binary value, right vs. wrong, applies. I understand the notion expressed here, however stricly speaking the expression of this concept is incorrect. It’s a useful paradigm for people without the capability to appreciate the many possible judgements of something, or who habitually make binary judgements. Despite that there are things that fit into this right vs. wrong in many scenarios, whether legally, morally, ethically, or physically. Legal, moral, & ethical are all easy to understand as they’re societally arbitrary. Physically can be too. If you have no parachute leaping from an airplane is “wrong.” You could argue “what if I’m fire,” or “I have cancer.” It is still wrong because anything that ends life is wrong because the whole point of life is to live.
#Conclusion This is reasonable feel-good advice, however the desire for companionship varies widely among people, and instinctly people prefer compaionship because this helps the individual to survive. You have to think of everything in the term of surviving and procreating. Anything that helps that serves to species, regardless of any emotional or societal impact. I don’t like that. It violates many of society’s rules, however, in the strict sense. life exists to exist, and the way it does so is to survive & procreate.
Thanks Rod
I believe that perhaps as an uneducated non credentialed person advising people about depression and how to handle it – you should not be advising
. I am a nurse- would you want me administering medications treatment without knowing anything about meds or how to administer them. ? Only uninformed knowledge from the internet?
That was 5 minutes I’ll never get back
This is my first time visit at here and i am truly pleassant to read all at single place.
I think most people can understand that feeling lonely is it a universal experience but what makes that difficult sometimes it’s not understanding why you are alone if you do not want to be and what to do about it. Your article left me feeling empowered. I had a very toxic upbringing that definitely left me with a lot to work on the area self-esteem and figuring out relationships with others. I have felt excruciatingly alienated and isolated socially for most of my life. I want that to change and I know I will have to work on some things for that to happen. Your article will help me in that endeavor. I applaud you for being so positive and gracious in the face of the sometimes unfair criticisms I see in some of these comments. Keep on sharing.
Thanks Nicole for understanding the space from where I am writing. Wish you all the best. And I am sure, you will do great, not just for yourself, but for all those as well, who will come into your life. Blessings!!!
I really liked what you have written on the whole but I do have to disagree when you wrote,
“But in the end, no one really cares about you or me”
I know where you’re coming from, but I feel that this is untrue. I care.
anyway, just wanted to comment,
thank you for sharing your thoughts
Thanks Serge, for sharing your honest view.